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VMWare Virtualization

Unable to contact the source vCenter During The VCSA Upgrade

During an upgrade from VCSA 6.5 to 6.7, the following error was observed in the install log and prevented stage one of the upgrade from starting.

  • Unable to contact the source vCenter
  • Failed To Authenticate With The Guest Operating System Using The Supplied Credentials.

##To see the complete upgrade process from vCentre 6.5 to 6.7, refer to our blog < >

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  • Upgrading vCenter Server Appliance from 6.5 to 6.7 fails with the error:

Error: sourcePrecheck: error in getting source Info: ServerFaultCode: Failed to authenticate with the guest operating system using the supplied credentials.

  • In installer-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx.log you may see entries similar to:

Upgrading vCenter Server


While upgrading vCemtre server, there is a step to connect to the existing vCentre server and this error prevents connection to the existing vCentre server. You need to resolve it to complete the stage 1 of the upgrade process.

existing vCentre server

This issue occurs when the vCenter OS password (root password) is expired.


To resolve this issue, reset the password:

To reset the password: ,

1. Connect to the source vCenter using SSH.

source vCenter using SSH

2. Execute “chage -l root” command to check if the root password has expired.

3. Change the password using the command “passwd”

4. Initiate the upgrade again.

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