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Fixing Windows System Event Log-10016

Here we are showing how to fix event 10016 error. It was again a classic case of local activation permissions that were missing. Normally one would fix that by going to DCOMcnfg.exe. Most likely this error is due to access right issue for COM component.


1.  Open event log and go to the error 10016.

Fixing Windows System

2.  Copy CLSID from error log with the braces.

3.  Run elevated command prompt and open regedit.exe

4.  Go to Edit > Find.

5.  Paste the CLSID copied from above error to search the same.


6.  You will find the application name for CLSID.

find CLSID

7.   Right-click the key and select Permissions.

select Permissions

8.  Click the advanced button in the permissions window and select the Owner tab. Under change owner select the local administrators group and click on OK.

9.  Then on the permissions window, select the local administrators group and assign it full control. don’t changes the permissions for the trusted installer account click on apply.

10.  Open run and type DCOMCNFG.exe.

11.  Expend Component services >Computers > My Computer > DCOM Config

12.  Search the application identified above, right click on it and click Properties.

Click Properties

13.   Go to Security tab and click Edit Launch and Activation Permissions.

Launch and Activation Permission

14. Window will be appear, click on Cancel.

Window will be appear, click on Cancel.

15.   Add the Launch and Activation Permission to SYSTEM and LOCAL SERVICE account and click OK.

Launch and Activation Permission to SYSTEM

16. Go back to the permissions window of the registry key and remove the check in full control of the local Administrators group.

17. Go to the Owner tab and make “NT Service\Trusted Installer” of the local computer owner of the key again.

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